Title: Discover the CHEECH GLASS - 17" RAINBOW GLYCERIN BEAKER WATER PIPE at Puff Love Smoke Shop Puff Love Smoke Shop of Texas is ecstatic to unveil one of its exclusive products, the CHEECH GLASS - 17" Rainbow Glycerin Beaker Water Pipe. Undoubtedly, it is an eye-catching piece that transcends the traditional constructs of smoking apparatuses. The CHEECH GLASS - 17" Rainbow Glycerin Beaker Water Pipe stands out with its incredible design featuring a kaleidoscope of bright hues, making this piece not just a smoking device, but a work of art. This water pipe integrates glycerin within its structure, which can be chilled for smoke cooling purposes, further enhancing your smoking session. The Rainbow Glycerin Beaker Water Pipe is expertly crafted by CHEECH GLASS, a high-quality glass company known for their remarkable, innovative designs and superior durability. The 17" height of the water pipe promises a new level of filtration, allowing for the smoothest of smoking experiences. Now, where can one find this brilliantly designed and meticulously crafted water pipe? Look no further than your local Puff Love Smoke Shop. With stores evidently expanding across Texas - including Dallas, Plano, Flower Mound, and Little Elm, Puff Love Smoke Shop is rapidly becoming the go-to destination for all smoking connoisseurs. It is the trusted destination to find the coveted CHEECH GLASS - 17" Rainbow Glycerin Beaker Water Pipe. At Puff Love Smoke Shop, they pride themselves on their extensive selection of high-grade smoking accessories and are committed to offering only the best items on the market. Their staff are experts in their field, ready to assist and guide you towards the perfect product to meet your needs. Step into the colorful world of the CHEECH GLASH - 17" Rainbow Glycerin Beaker Water Pipe by visiting your nearest Puff Love Smoke Shop today. Experience the superior quality, vibrant design, and outstanding functionality that makes this piece a definite standout among smoke accessories. Elevate your smoking experience with Puff Love Smoke Shop - your trusted provider of only the finest quality smoking accessories in Dallas, Plano, Flower Mound, and Little Elm, Texas.